Poisonous Sorcery



Raw Black Metal FFO: Fellwinter, Oppressive Descent, Nimbifer, Fugitive Wizard...

Caught within the eternal serpentine cycle of perpetual circles, Iron Firmament is a bold USBM entity stained with the venom of antediluvian ages long since spent, wreaking havoc with their lambast of raw black rusted blasphemy. Forging a solid selection of incantations within its short lifespan, Iron Firmament have already proven the strength of their steel, yet it was with their debut release, Keepeater, that this siege ironclad sorcerer’s cadre truly made a name for themselves. Rife with a sickening host of transcendental warlust weepings, Keepeater is a prodigal catapult bombardment of wolven rasp oration, melancholic tremolo melodics, martial drum marching, lamententable acoustic exercises, epic alchemical composition, tombstone terror production and a truly cabbalistic offensive of thematic ouroborean triumph. Resplendent in its penchant for warlust star conqueror slaughter, Iron Firmament truly encapsulates the potency of the contemporary USBM tomb cult underground with Keepeater being the start of their bloodstained barbarous campaign.

Promotional text provided by @neheroth

-Audio specially remastered for vinyl format. (Better dynamics and full range for pure and organic sound)

-180g black vinyl (high quality certificated Polyvinyl chloride: less background noise and extra durability)

-Envelope with incense ritually crafted.

-CD-R (vinyl-effect) including vinyl audio master (1411kbps audio quality)

-350g sleeve. 3mm spine.

-Double sided Insert (400g card stock)


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This is a pre-order (vinyl production can take 15 weeks or more) if you are not interested in such a wait please do not order.

Shipping costs are not billed during the checkout process. When the record is ready, we´ll email you the invoice to cover the shipping costs based on destination, packageweight and the current postal rates.

Possibility of combined shipping, everything you buy is sent in the same package, meaning savings on shipping costs.